Friday, September 5, 2008

Family Friday

I haven't had much free time to blog. I do get to visit some blogs. I have a rotation so I get to read everyone, just not in one sitting.

I started back baby sitting this week for a school teacher. I care for a 7 month old. I haven't had a baby in my care in a few years. We are both adjusting to his new schedule. He keeps me busy. We go for our walk every day so I'm getting my exercise in. I also am getting my reading in but just not time to form written thoughts. I've also haven't been getting to bed till 11:30 PM and have been rising around 5:30 AM. I've been spending a extra time with God in prayer as there are a few pressing areas in family and friends lives right now.

Haven't heard much from our son so I am guessing school is going well.

Amanda seems to br busy with college work. I'm sure she will do good.

Hubby is adjusting to schools being back as now he has to those stops to add to his route. He is also busy fighting bees. Mom had bees at her rental and now we have them at our place. He hasn't gotten stung yet.

Nikki, Steve and baby Ryan are doing great. They had their vacation and now it is time to think about fall.

Mom is doing very well. She is busy with wrapping up her vegetable garden.

So now you know I haven't forgotten anyone I'm just busy.

1 comment: said...

Hi, You sound busy taking care of a 7 month old! That will keep you on your toes!!lol Love and hugs Grams