Sunday, June 1, 2008

Do I Smell Good?

Today at one point my pastor reference 2 Corinthians 2:14-16

But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of him. For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing. To the one we are the smell of death; to the other, the fragrance of life.

These verses came up several times during the past week in studying God's word. So I got to thinking what is God telling me?

I'll start with "Through us" Christ is doing his work through me. But it goes on to say "Spreads everywhere the Fragrance" and "the aroma of Christ". That means not only is God working in me but it must be obvious to others that God is working through me.

Right now my daughter has flowers in her room she picked from the neighbors (she was given permission to pick them). As I walk near her bedroom door I can smell the flower before I even open the open the door and see them.

That is how our life is to be. The people around us should be able to see God through us. They should sense it before even speaking with us. Our actions should be fill with Christ.

So I got to thinking about a trip to Wal-marts. Do I fuss that it take someone long to back out of the parking space? Why don't I leave the close spots for someone else? The store is full, do I rush past people, get impatient when carts are blocking Ilse? What do I do if I knock a shirt of the rack? Do I pick it up? Or after having it in my cart decide I really don't have the money for it, I'm not going to buy it. Do I walk clear across the store to put it back where it belongs? How do I stand in long lines? Do I roll my eyes when they cashier needs assistant with someones order in front of me? What about the person who is a few cents short of thier total. If I have the extra do I ofter to give the change? All these things show the fragrance of God. Do I smell good when I go shopping?

3 comments: said...

This is good! Down where we really live!Thanks for the reminder.Love and hugs Grams

sharon brobst said...

WOW Sandi...lots to think about! Being the fragrance of Christ really struck me too on Sunday!

Sharon Brumfield said...

Walmart can really be a testing ground for me. It is not may favorite place to if uglies come out it is generally because I am not where I need to be with God.
Who knew walmart was testing ground for Christians.