Monday, June 22, 2009

Monday in Philippi

My day started at 5:00 AM why you wonder. I'm a morning person. I have some good quite time. By 7:00 I am so full of energy I could out power the bunny.

We had group devotion and pray then off to breakfast. After breakfast it is time to head to summer adventure (VBS). It was a good day but not with out conflict to be dealt with later in the evening. God sure doesn't want me to stick to my agenda. He wants to see how I handle change. I am know for sticking to a plan but God just say not in Philippi. I keep coming back and each year God has a new lesson for me.

We had about 40 children in VBS and that is small for our numbers from the past. I can't post pictures yet. I was told wait another day a few parents didn't sign the back. After VBS we had lunch with the children. Well one child said it is breakfast because they only eat dinner in their home so this would be there breakfast. Lunch is a no no. They don't have money for food but I am learning most have the money for computers and cell phones. They want our emails.

After lunch I have a staff meeting of which about 1/10 of the staff showed up for. But that is OK I will work on them. John (hubby for those who don't know) took me back to the dorm so I could prepare for tomorrow while he headed back to his site.

5:30 we had dinner and then I had to deal with the conflict I mentioned earlier. Before I could approach them to speak I was hit by problem after problem. I was drained at the end of the meeting. I found a quite spot sheded a few tears and sought God's strength. I then went and dealt with the problem. I did it in a loving way I hope. I asked God to go before and give me a loving approach. 3 of the 4 seem very happy with the out come. The 4th I won't know about for sure till tomorrow. I am praying God will work in her hurt.

It is late. It is 11:00 PM and I need to head to bed to be up at 5:00 AM so sorry I am not proof reading this.

1 comment:

Sharon Brumfield said...

Glad to hear that God is His guiding of your life and footsteps. Keep working for Him and calling out for His will and instruction.
He is near....and He loves you so.

We are not home yet...but I'll catch up soon so I can put the puzzle pieces of the story together.
Keeping walking close by His side.
Love ya girl!