Friday, May 2, 2008

Family Friday

It has been a busy week trying to catch up on all we left go when Dad was ill. But in all this busy work I left plenty of time for God. I find giving time to God allows me to have more time to complete the other things I need to get done.

Hubby had his first softball game. We lost but we sure had lots of fun. Hubby's work asked all their employees to fill out a new job application. They are updating fills. We are joking he may not be hired.

Both Amanda and our son have finals for college starting Monday. They will be in major studying mood.

Baby Ryan has his first ear infection. He is not a happy baby. That means Nikki is very tired. Ryan wants to be held and won't sleep much. Steve is tired too but just not sure how to help.


Denise said...

Praying for you, and your family. said...

Sound like your son and daughter in law are not getting enough sleep!! As one person put it about having babies, "The days are long but the years are short"!! How true!! Love and hugs Grams

Linda said...

Hi Sandi,
I pray your Dad is doing a bit better. It is difficult to see them so sick. And the baby...those ear infections can be so painful. I pray he will get over it quickly. Take care of yourself.
Have a blessed weekend Sandi.