Thursday, January 31, 2008

Thankful Thursday

This week I want to say how thankful I am for the women ministry at my church. You can tell Sharon, Eileen and Kathy spend time praying about each direction and decision that comes before the women. They have gifted teachers leading bible studies. People you can tell God has called to teach, not just women who volunteer to teach. The two bible studies I have been apart of are studies we needed at the time. God lead them to choosing what to study.

They started a mentoring program. They want to follow Titus direction for women. I know lots of prayer has gone into that also. They prayed about who should fills lead positions down to who God wanted them to pair together as mentor/mentee.

I haven't talk as much with Eileen and Kathy as I have Sharon but I'm sure this holds true from them. They give a lot of their time to the women's ministry. Sometime more than what their family feels they should. I know Sharon gives her heart too! She cares about each women and woman's needs.

I want to thank you Lord for these fine Godly women.

1 comment:

Denise said...

May God bless each one of those ladies.